The InterCIDEC’16 Jury chooses the winners.

The InterCIDEC’16 Jury is made up of great professionals from the world of architecture, design, hospitality and communication, such as Dario Gagliardini, Teresa Sapey, Jorge Pensi, Paolo Mauri, Ángel Rocamora, Luis Sendra, etc. decided the winners of this first edition of InterCIDEC, organized by the company Beltá & Frajumar, specialized in the manufacture of modern furniture, upholstered furniture and comprehensive interior design equipment for contract environments.

The InterCIDEC'16 Jury chooses the winners.

The InterCIDEC’16 Jury chooses the winners.

Nearly fifty projects have been presented from various parts of Spain and many other countries (especially from the American continent).
The InterCIDEC'16 Jury chooses the winners.

The InterCIDEC’16 Jury chooses the winners.

The competition, which is divided into two categories, is endowed with 6,000 euros for the professional, and 1,000 euros for the student category.

Los ganadores van a tener numerosas oportunidades de comercializar sus proyectos a través de la propia empresa creadora del concurso.

The InterCIDEC'16 Jury chooses the winners.

The InterCIDEC’16 Jury chooses the winners.

In statements to the media, the members of the jury highlighted that the organization of this type of competition is necessary and interesting today. They believe that the hospitality sector can benefit from the professionals involved. They found the initiative and organization of the event by the company satisfactory.

The InterCIDEC'16 Jury chooses the winners.

The InterCIDEC’16 Jury chooses the winners.


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