Sponsors and collaborators, together with political personalities such as the Regional Deputy and Mayor of Yecla, D. Marcos Ortuño Sotoas well as Remedios LajaraCouncilwoman of Education and Ángel Pino, Councilman of Industry, Health and Finance, have met at the facilities of Beltá & Frajumarwhere a press conference has been held to present the INTERCIDEC’16 Francisco Juan manager of Beltá & Frajumar
He has explained to the media the reason for this contest. The reason, to involve young people in the region, to provide an international outlet for a booming sector, such as furniture and interior design applied to the contract world. ,as well as a professional call to the sector, to share ideas and give the possibility to carry out projects in luxury hotel chains, are just some of the reasons for the realization of this contest.
Presentation of InterCIDEC – First Edition of InterCIDEC
Next, it was the Mayor who showed his support for this project, explaining to attendees the importance of events of this nature that provide solutions and give opportunities to participate in a future project.
Finally from Beltá & Frajumar thanked the attendees, sponsors and collaborators for their unconditional support, since without them this kind of projects would be much more complicated to carry out. The press conference has been closed, inviting everyone to enter in www.intercidec.es to know all the details of this contest and of course to register and participate in it.
Presentation of INTERCIDEC’16
Presentation of INTERCIDEC’16